Why I Fear For Obama's Life:- Response

Much that I follow world history, politics and I have been seeing these kind of messages all over the internet, still I'm not afraid or moved. I will stand still and believe the future is so bright and maybe and the sun is yet to shine as it hadn't shone before. I stop hoping and all I do is believe..!

There are those who think change is an event, and these believe change has already happened in America, some of us we believe its a process its not there yet but It has began, the point has been set and they need not start again rather move ahead,

Lincoln had his share; did it very well and he died so did JFK and MLK jr. Yet their contributions to human kind and civil rights
stand today higher than their monuments enacted in most parts of the country and the world.

I believe white supremacists, KKK and racists and those who hate what Obama has achieved/started can try and bring him down or even have him killed, but the process will go on for change is a process. If MLK wouldn't have stated someone would be starting now, if Lincoln hadn't stopped slavery someone would have done it later, it would have delayed things but these people did their best then and all who came after them built on their foundations. Didn't Isack Newton say the reason we see him higher is because he is standing on the shoulders of the giants? I believe he didn't say he was the tallest or he touched the limits of heights.

Just remember a single step is a prelude to a million miles journey. Yet the climb might be steep as he said but the promise is one day the peak will be reached

Lets not take time to see where he won’t reach and how he won’t achieve or how many won’t support him for we have seen his support was bigger than his critics, his haters and those supremacists. If he prevailed then he will prevail and there after.

As you said we need not be pessimistic, let’s live our lives, enjoy the moment and BELIEVE in the best, yet to come...!

Change has come to America, YES INDEED
In response to an Article "Why I Fear For Obama's Life" by Charles Makakala

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